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Adobe XD learning resources

Adobe XD learning resources

Adobe XD web graphic design software training

You can also expand your knowledge through instructor-led training. Read our training syllabus outlines for Adobe XD UI/UX development software.

Select learning resources are included free with a training class. If you prefer to study on your own, you can purchase these learning resources by clicking the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. button to email us for payment details and file delivery.

Adobe XD Keyboard Shortcuts

• A brief list of most of the Adobe XD keyboard shortcuts. Adobe XD is a UI/UX design and collaboration software. Adobe XD is a one-stop app, from wireframes all the way to handing off to developers. Adobe XD is a vector-based user experience design tool for web apps and mobile apps, developed and published by Adobe Inc. It is available for macOS and Windows, although there are versions for iOS and Android to help preview the result of work directly on mobile devices. Operating Adobe XD by means of a few dozen shortcuts makes your productivity increase and your time-consumption decrease. This document contains both a macOS and Windows 10/11 version of this keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. The physical page size of this 2-page document is Letter size at 8.5 x 11 inches. $4.99   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Adobe XD Supplemental Classroom Files

• A free and downloadable zip file containing supplemental files to help you study the Adobe XD (2020 Release) Classroom in a Book. This resource makes it easier to work through the chapters whether you are studying on a Mac or a Windows version of Adobe XD. It includes some downloadable dmg files that are only available on macOS. It has been converted to a zip file so that Windows users can make use of it, too. Also included are a few key typefaces that are already probably on your operating system so that you can have full cross-platformability with the book examples. Finally, there are a few additional example XD files to help the learner memorize key concepts and shortcuts.


Adobe XD 2020 Classroom in a Book

After the PayPal transaction is completed, you will receive an email with attached learning resources documents. If you encounter any issues please check your email settings or contact us.

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